#!/bin/bash #Created by Luca Tringali - www.codice-sorgente.it #Thanks to Dalen, this code is based on his answer: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44186905/how-to-replace-the-desktop-interface-with-a-python-application username="pi" cat < /etc/systemd/system/tty1.service [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=/sbin/getty -a pi 38400 tty1 StandardInput=tty StandardOutput=tty TTYPath=/dev/tty1 TTYReset=yes Restart=always [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF systemctl enable tty1.service systemctl start tty1.service cat < /home/$username/.xinitrc #! /bin/bash cat EOF chown $username:$username /home/$username/.xinitrc cat < /home/$username/.bashrc if [ \$(tty | sed s:^/dev/::) == "tty1" ]; then export DISPLAY=:0 /home/$username/appstart & startx fi EOF chown $username:$username /home/$username/.bashrc cat < /home/$username/appstart #! /bin/bash # Wait a second for X server to start: sleep 1 # use this if Xorg starts on tty7 # sudo chvt 7 /usr/bin/python3 /home/$username/termostato-raspberry/termostato.py EOF chmod +x /home/$username/appstart chmod +x /home/$username/termostato-raspberry/termostato.py chown $username:$username /home/$username/appstart #This thermostat app also needs the following libraries: sudo apt-get update sudo aptitude install python3-rpi.gpio sudo pip3 install w1thermsensor #Disable old autologins, give user access to tty sudo systemctl disable sddm.service sudo systemctl disable getty.target sudo systemctl disable getty@tty1.service sudo usermod -a -G tty $username sudo usermod -a -G video $username echo "Don't forget to turn off Splash Screen under Boot section" read sudo raspi-config